



Bring together food security partners to guide strategic actions regarding issues identified in the Sherbrooke area and participate in the development and support of initiatives beneficial to food security.



The Sherbrooke Food Security Collective is the essential reference body for food security in Sherbrooke. It is a place for exchanges, collaboration, and the development of innovative and sustainable initiatives to generate a collective impact.

Who are we?

The Sherbrooke Food Security Collective is made up of representatives from community services, organizations, institutions and round tables concerned with food security.

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Andrée-Anne Tremblay, Community organizer of the Collective, CIUSSS de l'Estrie-CHUS

Joëlle Latour, Coordinator of the Collective, La Grande Table

Coralie Vaillancourt, Project Agent for Gleaning and Transformation for the Collective, La Grande Table

Anika Racine, Commun'Action St. Joan of Arc

Catherine Plante-Rodrigue, Sherbrooke Community Development Initiative (ISDC)

Christian Bibeau, Harvest Estrie

Evelyne Lapierre, CIUSSS of Estrie-CHUS

Francois Lemieux, Eastern Townships Boiler

Gabrielle Rondeau-Leclaire, DREAM Feeder

Isabelle Prud'homme, Collective kitchen Le Blé d'Or of Sherbrooke

Julie Henry, kitchen manager, Croquarium

Karine Godbout, The Big Table

Pamela Bilodeau, Sherbrooke Community Development Initiative (ISDC)

Patricia Sevigny, City of Sherbrooke

Tahnie Parent, Eastern Townships Boiler

Tania Angulo, Breakfast Club

Vincent Boutin, The Big Table

Solange Rodrigue, Rock-Guertin Foundation

Josée Mailloux, Sherbrooke CEGEP Foundation

Melissa Tardif, Salvation Army.


Some of the actions of Champ d'actions were financed by the Alliances for Solidarity, in collaboration with the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Solidarity (MTESS)

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